4 Steps To Overcoming Objections

February 5, 2020

Have you ever been completely 'stumped' (and embarrassed) when you were talking with someone about your business because they threw a question or objection at you that you didn't know how to respond to?

(You later thought of all the things you could have said, and couldn't believe how stupid you must have sounded ...) If you've ever felt this sense of 'regret' for blowing a good lead because you didn't know what to say, we have great news for you.

Throughout this session you'll learn exactly what to say when someone says:
'I'm just not interested.'
'I don't like selling.'
'I don't have the time.'
'Is this one of those pyramid deals?'
'I don't have the money'
'It's too expensive'
'How much are YOU making?'

In fact, you'll learn how to respond in such a way that these same people will literally transform into eager and willing prospects RIGHT BEFORE YOUR VERY OWN EYES!

During our Business Coaching Session, we will help you fine tune your own 'irresistible' language that will have your prospects wanting you to tell them more!

Our responses to Objections:

  1. Avoidance- When you get responses such as; too busy, can’t afford it, if you do not acknowledge it and say I’ll get to that at the end…watch out there is a wall up and if you avoid it they will think they are not important enough to address the issue…the longer the avoidance the bigger the wall grows.
  2. Reasoning- Trying to reason with them sounds like arguing; can’t afford it-we can work in your budget, stop reasoning without permission. When you put them in the corner they will feel like they need to defend themselves.
  3. Shut Down-“ I can’t afford that, don’t let someone’s concern takes you out of the game. It might be a knee jerk reaction, first line of defense”.

They are trying to say no without saying No to YOU-note your client hates saying no to you as much as you get the no. they don’t like it either, that is why they do not show up. They might say, I don’t have the time, I don’t have the money- Lets take ourselves out of the picture our thoughts should be on how we should make them feel better.

You might say this business is not for you, you are right. Understand they are trying to tell you NO-it is a soft NO! If it is not hard, is this set in stone or is this, their fear showing up? Do not buy into the drama of the economy, people find money for what they want!

FORMULA; Stop-Buffer-Isolate-Re-qualify

STOP: “I can appreciate that-I get what you are saying.”
Buffer: “I have been there before.” Or, “One of the members on my team felt the same way; I used to feel the same way.”
Isolate: If you do not know what the real need they have in their life then you did not FORM them enough. People like to talk about themselves if you ask them. If you do not know what they need and want, then you are talking about yourself too much and that is not exciting to them.

Isolate in your question their need: If ________ (problem, no money) the only thing stopping you from______ (their need, their want) getting the support needed to move your business forward? The magic word is YES! So do not change the way the question is formatted. We want them to say yes…yes moves you forward, no keeps you stuck in your presentation. Let me make sure I heard you right: Repeat the isolating questions (put both objections into the question).

If you get more than 2 objections then respect yourself and TAKE AWAY THE PRODUCT OR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY-DON’T BEG PEOPLE TO JOIN YOU!

You must respect your business and yourself. Answer this way:
“You know what Caroline it sounds to me you are not ready for this product/business right now, how about I call you in a couple of months to see if anything has changed and see if you are longing for a solution at this point.” Walk away with dignity and respect with what you have to offer.

Re-qualify-this is the place where you hold them accountable for the problem.

“So If I can show you ( if you could see) how to buy Sunrider within your budget, would you_____(action step) be willing to meet with me for 15 minutes (get started tonight)?”. Are you serious, are you really interested? Hold them accountable.

Reasoning comes after re-qualifying them, now you have permission from them. Now you can reason as much as you want. It is not arguing, they are in a place looking for solutions not focusing on their problems…otherwise you are making them wrong!

Time: “If I can show you how to build a Sunrider income within the time that you have would you be willing to meet with me for 20 minutes?”

Everybody has time and money for what they want! People will pay for what they think they find value for. People choose how they spend their time.


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